- “How is Incident Response Doing in the XXIst Century (or COVID era),” IOT Solutions World Congress (3rd December 2020).
- “A Global Reset: Cybersecurity Predictions 2021,” SASIG webinar (17th November 2020).
- “Threat Intelligence Drives Effective Vulnerability Management,”FireEye Mandiant #ThoughtfulTuesdays webinar (22nd September 2020).
- “2030: backcasting the potential rise and fall of cyber threat intelligence,” Virus Bulletin 2020 conference (30th September 2020).
- “Ransomware Trends and the Opportunities of an Intelligence-led Security Programme,” SASIG webinar (14th September 2020).
- “The Role of InfoSec in the Remote World: Remote Savouir or Lockdown Police?” RANT even presented with Michael Marriott (23rd April 2020).
- “Brands Under Attack: How You Can Protect Your Brand Online and Manage Digital Risk,” Spire Solutions Brand Protection Webinar (20th April 2020).
- “What The Wire can Teach us About Cyber Security,” The Many Hats Club Isolation Conference (26th March 2020).
- “Shedding a Light on the Dark Web,” Anglia Ruskin University, OWASP Cambridge, and BCS Cybercrime Workshop (11th March 2020).
- “Cyber Security Assemblages,” lecture at University of Exeter Strategy and Security Institute (10th March 2020).
- “2030: Backcasting the Rise and Fall of Cyber Threat Intelligence,”CREST CTIPS Conference (25th February 2020).
- “Shedding a Light on the Dark Web,” UK-Netherlands Cyber & Fintech Summit (20th February 2020).
- “5G Security Predictions,” panelist at GSMA Mobile 360 Security for 5G event (28 May 2019).
- “Bridging the Gap Between IT Security and Other Business Leaders,” roundtable at Nordic Cyber Series (20th February 2019).
- “Fake News and Why You Should Care,” Belgian Cyber Security Convention (25th October 2018).
- “Proxy Actors in the Cyber Domain: Implications for State Strategy” lecture at University of Oxford Training Sessions on the Modern Information Society Training Session No.3, Tallinn University of Technology (1st October 2016).
- “International Cyber Frameworks,” lecture at University of Reading (24th October 2016).
- “Strategies of Cyber Crisis Management,” lecture at University of Oxford Training Sessions on the Modern Information Society Training Sessions No.2, Tallinn University of Technology (23rd April 2016).